Mandurah (08) 9584 6000
Northam (08) 9621 9300
Cunderdin (08) 9635 1539
Narrogin (08) 9853 9800
Geraldton (08) 9960 5600


Choose a hands-on insurance broker who understands your business.


We understand the challenges of ‘being the business’ and can support you in managing your risks. We can help you identify them and protect against them.

Talk with us about public liability insurance, workers’ compensation, income protection, and cover for your ute and tools.

Our Services

What we can do for you.

Claims Handling

When it comes time to claim, you have a broker who knows the industry and your business on your side. We’ll help you navigate any hurdles and be your advocate to ensure the best possible outcome.

Contract Reviews

Those that partner and provide services to other businesses appreciate that we have the ability to help with contract reviews. This provides certainty knowing that the insurance requirements of any agreement are fair and won’t leave you in a tight spot.

Injury Prevention and Management

Keeping the people in your business safe is any owners number one priority. For workplace safety and rehabilitation, we partner with PeopleSense and ProCare – industry specialists who lead in all matters of workplace and well-being.

Insurance Broking

Our purpose is to provide protection and certainty for you through professional insurance advice. We learn of your particular circumstance, needs and objectives, and provide you with recommendations toward a suitable and competitive insurance solution.

Life and Income Protection

Should a key person in your family or business become incapacitated or pass away, it’s important that there will be the financial means for life to carry on.

Premium Funding

Premium Funding allows you to pay insurance premiums in affordable monthly payments instead of one lump sum for the whole year. The main benefit for your business is simple: cash flow.

Types of Cover

What can I protect?

A single policy or more. We can help by tailoring an insurance program that suits you

Loss of income and/or increased expenses due to insured damage to fixed assets.
Combined policy for the full range of business insurances, such as property, theft, business interruption, legal liability, money, glass, etc.
Injury to employees solely and directly occurring whilst in direct travel to and from work.
Cover for death, total and permanent disablement, and income.
Loss following theft or damage of insured vehicle/s including light commercial and heavy rigid & articulated units.
Combined policy for the full range of company management exposures including directors & officers liability, employment practices liability, statutory liability, etc.
Covers insured persons for accidental death, permanent or temporary disablement as a result of accident or sickness.
Loss or damage to unregistered mobile plant, drill rigs and the like.
Breach of Duty arising from the professional activities of the insured.
Covers legal liability for bodily injury and/or damage to property occurring in connection with the business or caused by products sold or supplied.
Loss or damage to tools or equipment in vehicles, or site, or in storage.
Damage to Goods in Transit, both overseas and domestic.
Injury to employees as per State Legislation.

Added to your quote

  • Business Interruption
  • Business Package
  • Journey
  • Life, Key Person & Income Protection
  • Light & Heavy Motor Fleets
  • Management Liability
  • Personal, Accident and Illness
  • Plant & Machinery
  • Professional Indemnity
  • Public & Products Liability
  • Tools & Portable Equipment
  • Transit
  • Workers Compensation

About Us

Why choose us?

Country Wide Insurance Brokers exists to provide protection and certainty and we believe in living where you work to make a real contribution, acting with honesty and decency, bringing our best every time and delivering on our promises.

Country Wide is able to help ensure that life can carry on, whatever the future may bring.

“In our business insurances are a major expense. So, we need a broker who fights hard for the best deals for us. That’s why Country Wide have been in our corner for the past 15 years.”

Steve Jones
Expo Cleaning

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