Mandurah (08) 9584 6000
Northam (08) 9621 9300
Cunderdin (08) 9635 1539
Narrogin (08) 9853 9800
Geraldton (08) 9960 5600


Know and protect against your legal liability.

Liability can arise from both general and specific aspects of your business operations, including from products sold or supplied and errors or omissions in your advice or service.

Protecting your legal liability to pay compensation to others from your business activities, products and services is critical.

We can help you identify your exposures and recommend ways to protect against them.

Types of Cover

What you can cover

Litigation is prevalent, so liability cover is vital. We can help you identify the exposures that arise in your business and recommend an insurance program to provide you with protection and certainty.

Liability cover for members of management committees or incorporated organisations against negligent acts, errors or omissions.

Liability cover for bodily injury and/or property damage arising from the operation of an aircraft

Reimbursement of legal costs in either defending or pursuing legal action in areas of contract, employment, criminal, property, patent or copyright, motor and trade practices (both civil and statutory)

Covers legal liability for bodily injury and/or damage to property arising from project/works during construction

Covers exposures such as e-theft, destruction of critical data, defamation, libel, copyright or trademark infringement, e-vandalism, e-threats and more.

Covers Directors’ or Officers’ for their legal liability for wrongful acts committed whilst acting in their capacity as a Director/Officer.

Liability cover for bodily injury and/or property damage following gradual pollution

Variation of Workers Compensation benefits whilst employees are temporarily working elsewhere other than State of Employment

Combined policy for the full range of company management exposures including directors & officers liability, employment practices liability, statutory liability, etc.

Breach of Duty arising from the professional activities of the insured.

Covers legal liability for bodily injury and/or damage to property occurring in connection with the business or caused by products sold or supplied.

Injury to employees as per State Legislation.

About Us

Why choose us?

Our purpose is to provide protection and certainty. We believe in living where you work to make a real contribution, acting with honesty and decency, bringing our best every time and delivering on our promises.

We help ensure that life can carry on, whatever the future may bring.

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